這個Ambisonics Spatial Audio公開課總共有7集。
如果想直接瞭解3D混音製作的話可直接跳到第六集,第六集重點以Facebook研發設計的免費插件”FB360 Spatial Workstation”來講述360度3D混音處理和Facebook 360影片檔案後製作的方法。
現場收音總共使用了8支麥克風,分別是2支Sennheiser AMBEO VR Mic(一支架在指揮位置收近距離四重奏的空間聲場,另一支架在觀眾席收整個音樂廳的空間聲場)、4支短槍做點收音收每個樂手的直接音、2支配對的短槍麥做房間左右邊的Overhead收音。
第七集是360影片,演示了各個位置上的麥克風的實際收音聲響情況,及其混音之後的樣貌,對於希望從事Ambisonics 3D錄音混音製作的人來說有非常高的參考價值。
0:05 指揮區Ambeo, 樂器點收音麥
0:55 觀眾區Ambeo, 樂器點收音麥
1:42 樂器點收音麥
2:22 指揮區Ambeo, 聽眾區Ambeo, 樂器點收音麥
3:19 指揮區Ambeo, 房間左右邊Overhead
4:03 所有全部麥克風
About John Escobar:
John Escobar is a producer, engineer, multi-instrumentalist, and educator, teaching several courses in the Music Production and Engineering department for Berklee College of Music. He has worked with a wide range of artists, including Grammy-winning folk artist Sarah Jarosz, jazz guitar virtuoso Larry Coryell, violinist Joshua Bell, and many others. He has also taught at Harvard, Boston University, University of Southern California, and Northeastern University.
About Berklee Online:
Berklee Online is the continuing education division of Berklee College of Music, delivering online access to Berklee’s acclaimed curriculum from anywhere in the world, offering online courses, certificate programs, and degree programs. Contact an Academic Advisor today: 1-866-BERKLEE (US) 1-617-747-2146 (international callers) advisors@online.berklee.edu http://www.facebook.com/BerkleeOnlinehttp://www.twitter.com/BerkleeOnlinehttp://www.instagram.com/berkleeonline/